The Empty Nest Kitchen
Welcome to The Empty Nest Kitchen with Christine Van Bloem, where we're finding fun in the kitchen and navigating life after the kids have flown the coop. Join Christine around her kitchen table as we delve into insightful conversations with fellow empty nest women about navigating careers, side hustles, and the joys of food and cooking.
Whether you're embarking on a new chapter or seeking inspiration for your next culinary adventure, tune in for stories, tips, and laughter from women just like you.
The Empty Nest Kitchen
The No Resolution, Resolution
Let's talk New Year's resolutions and why, just maybe, we're ready to say so long sweetheart!
In this bite-sized episode, it's time to embrace who we are...the awesomeness that is us. We're leaning into self-love and authenticity, knowing that the best resolution is to accept and care for ourselves. Now let's get started!
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Happy 20, 25. It's a new year. It's a new us, but is it really? So I have a little shorty episode for you today because I have been thinking so much about new year's resolutions. Because I got to tell you, if you're looking for someone who is new year, new me. It's me, baby. I love that. I love the turn of a calendar. I love the turn to a new month. I love the turn to new week and the turn to a new year. It's just too much to handle. It's so good. And after a lifetime of resolutions and doing things because it's a brand new year. This year is the resolution. Of no resolutions. So, let me explain why. I mean, because it's really easy. To say, I'm not going to do any resolutions this year because it's your own darn business. Right? It's what you want to do. But. Every year when I was younger, I wanted to lose 10 pounds. I mean, now I want to lose 90. But it was that, or I'm going to work out more. I'm going to work out every day. Of course, I'm not going to work out every day. And the wise newness that comes with 57 years. Is that I know who I am now. Now, one of my very favorite things to do in a new year is more than a resolution, right? I remember back when I was living in New York city, there was a magazine called a lore. And you all might remember it. It was the first magazine that was really solely dedicated to beauty. Instead of fashion and they would come out all of the magazines and I've always loved magazines. All of the magazines would come out with the make-over issues in January. Right. Because it's the perfect time to get that snappy new do or to change up your makeup. And one year, gosh, it was probably 91 or 92. They had a listing of where you could go in different cities across the country to get a make-over. I remember looking at this and it was somebody down. In Chelsea, where I worked. And I went in on new year's Eve and I got low works done. I got a new haircut. She showed me how to do my makeup. We talked about the clothes I was wearing, we did the whole thing and I all loved it. But none of that ever sticks, right? Because today I'm ready for a new week over and a year after that, I was ready for a new one and a year after that I was ready for a new one. So this year, I am about not. Changing who I am. To fit in to some box that I create for myself. But more so. To accept who I am. And I'm gigging a little woo to love. Who I am. And I think in today's world, right. We're so much more understanding and accepting. All of this stuff that it is okay to act in your own self interest. It is okay to. Take care of yourself first. It is. Okay. To want to love yourself and not be embarrassed or ashamed that you're putting yourself ahead of everyone. Right. So how'd I get to this place. In late September. I had to have a second stent put in my heart. Now I'm at a lady who had 15 stents in her heart. So at two, you know, part of me feels like whatever. But a bigger part of me feels like holy cow. Because I wasn't expecting it. I was doing all the stuff I was working out. I was lifting weights. I was riding the bike. I was eating pretty well. Not perfectly, but pretty well. And I had to have a darn stint put in. I had a 90% blockage somewhere. And they did that. They took care of that, but I also found out that I have a 50% blockage. In my Widowmaker artery and they don't do anything until you hit 70%. So now all I can think about every single day. Is this blockage. And I think a lot of us have some form of a blockage. If they're not going to do anything about it, they must not be concerned. Right. But all I can think about is my mortality. And it's been a rough fall. Uh, rough winter so far, but. I'm trying to embrace the life that I have and who I am now and all of the great things that I've got going on, because all I can think about is the, what ifs and you know what, I'm not going down like that. And neither should you, we never, I mean, it's the first of the year, right? So it's a really great time to be introspective and really thoughtful in what you're doing. But. I think it's okay to live out loud. And I know that's super cliche. I totally get it. But did I order a rainbow sweater today? Because I really like rainbow sweaters. Heck yeah, I did. I'm tired of fading away and I'm tired of not being true to who I really am. I want to suck the marrow out of this life. And gosh. I really hope you do too. So let's make a resolution, not just to have no resolutions. But let's have her resolution to just accept who we are today, except who we are, what we have, what we do. And to love where we are. Because I think we deserve it. So I'll be back next week with something tasty. I promise. And, uh, until then as always, I can't wait. And I'll see in the kitchen.