The Empty Nest Kitchen
Welcome to The Empty Nest Kitchen with Christine Van Bloem, where we're finding fun in the kitchen and navigating life after the kids have flown the coop. Join Christine around her kitchen table as we delve into insightful conversations with fellow empty nest women about navigating careers, side hustles, and the joys of food and cooking.
Whether you're embarking on a new chapter or seeking inspiration for your next culinary adventure, tune in for stories, tips, and laughter from women just like you.
The Empty Nest Kitchen
Adventures in a Fifth Wheel: Exploring Life on the Road with Meredith McAdam
Join us this week as we delve into the extraordinary life of Meredith McAdam, a psychotherapist who has traded a conventional home for a life on the road. Meredith and her husband live and work from a 43-foot fifth wheel trailer, traveling across the United States. Meredith shares their journey of transitioning to this unique lifestyle, including their travel logistics, day-to-day living in a mobile home, and how they maintain their professional work remotely. We also explore her career as a psychotherapist, the challenges, and rewards of working with diverse clients, and her passion for helping those in the LGBTQ community. Meredith offers insights and advice for those considering a similar lifestyle and the joys of exploring new places every week.
00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction
01:01 Meredith's Unique Living Situation
03:20 Life in a Fifth Wheel
07:14 Travel Adventures and Destinations
09:45 Challenges and Practicalities of RV Living
15:45 Community and Social Aspects
16:34 Embracing the Freedom of Downsizing
17:55 Cooking Adventures in a Tiny Home
18:58 Travel Plans and Reservations
20:26 Living the Vineyard Life
20:59 A Career in Therapy
22:55 Supporting the LGBTQ Community
23:50 Balancing Work and Adventure
26:11 Empowering Women to Seek What They Want
27:35 Contact Information and Final Thoughts
Find Meredith McAdam at https://www.fredericktherapy.org
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This week I am absolutely thrilled because I'm thrilled every week. We know that. But in my journey to meet the coolest Empty Nest ladies out there, I, today I bring you Meredith McAdam. Hey
Meredith McAdam:Hello.
Christine Van Bloem:I am so excited because we don't hear, Meredith has got it all going on and she's probably going to blush at me saying that. But Meredith is a psychotherapist. Frederick Therapy but what drew me to you was your living situation. So, before we get into job, tell me where you live.
Meredith McAdam:We live in a 43 foot fifth wheel and we travel around the country so we move pretty much every two weeks living in our trailer, living and working in our trailer.
Christine Van Bloem:Oh my god, this is the coolest thing. So, Meredith and I lived in the same town, and we kind of just knew each other on the periphery, just kind of things. And then, you and your husband sold everything.
Meredith McAdam:everything. Gave it all
Christine Van Bloem:the kids were up and out, right? And you sold the house with the pool
Meredith McAdam:Yeah.
Christine Van Bloem:and now you're officially residents of
Meredith McAdam:South Dakota.
Christine Van Bloem:this. I mean, this is so great. So is a big move. Like this is a big move. Cause people talk about doing this move, but you and your husband, you really did it.
Meredith McAdam:Yeah.
Christine Van Bloem:What made, what made you make this choice?
Meredith McAdam:We've always done a lot of camping with our kids. And then when they were in later high school, we got rid of our camper. And then in 2020, we decided to get a camper just for us. So in September, Labor Day weekend, 2020, we went to Pittsburgh and picked up the camper that we had chosen. And that night we were staying outside of a winery, just sitting in a field, watching the deer. And talking about how we thought we wanted to do it full time. And by October we were giving away our stuff and we ordered our home in January. And then we ended up our house sold faster than we expected. And we had friends who had a house in Bethany. So we lived there for three months, which was a great transition. And then picked up our trailer in June and have been living in it ever since June, 2021.
Christine Van Bloem:Oh my gosh. I mean, this is, this is crazy. And I have to tell y'all, Meredith and her husband swung through Frederick for an event and I got to visit the trailer. I mean, seeing a trailer feels so,
Meredith McAdam:Yeah.
Christine Van Bloem:I mean, it was, you guys have no idea if you've never been in this. Well, first, can you explain to folks what a fifth wheel is?
Meredith McAdam:Yeah. So A fifth wheel is towed by a truck and it's not like a trailer is towed behind a vehicle. Ours is sort of attached into the bed of the truck. So our bedroom and one of the bathrooms is up over the top of the truck when we're pulling it.
Christine Van Bloem:That's so cool. It's so cool. So like an RV, you would drive the RV by itself, but this allows you to unhook it and take the truck to go and do what you
Meredith McAdam:Right, right. And this is considered also a toy hauler. So the back third of the camper is called a garage. And my husband Sean built two offices in the garage instead. And then the whole back wall is a ramp that can go down so you could take your toys, your motorcycle, your golf cart, if you wanted. But we use it as a porch area. So it's just straight out and it's just that much more extra space.
Christine Van Bloem:It is so crazy guys. You, this is, I mean, it's the coolest thing. First of all, Meredith and her husband are so welcoming. It's incredible. But you walk up and you guys know I'm into the kitchen. You know I'm into the kitchen and Meredith, I was blown away. I have to say I was blown away by the whole thing. You walk into basically the, the living area, right? And it is a decent kitchen. My kitchen in New York City was way smaller than that. And it's got an island with the sink. You have a fireplace and a couch. You have a pantry. I mean, it's incredible!
Meredith McAdam:yeah. We, we joke that we don't feel like we're camping. We don't feel like we're missing out. We're really comfortable. We've got 400 square feet. That whole living room area is comfortable. I don't feel like I'm missing anything in the kitchen. In our office space, when the kids come, we could take the wall out between our offices and there's a bed, a queen size bed that comes down so they can sleep in that. We have, we used to have two full bathrooms, but he took out the second shower and added shelving, so we have a bathroom and a half. We really have a lot of space. We're really comfortable. We have a washer and dryer. That would be a deal breaker. I wouldn't want to live without that. Yeah. Yeah. It's, I mean, it's, it was so, I mean, cozy, not in real estate terms. It was cozy and just, it felt warm and comfortable. And I was there on a gray icky day and I was just blown away. I just thought it was the coolest thing. I've often thought it's sort of funny too, if you're standing outside, it's The contrast is funny because it's a massive trailer, but a tiny home when you go inside.
Christine Van Bloem:yeah, it is. But the, the the office setup was really neat to me so that you each, and there are small offices, but you each have your own space.
Meredith McAdam:Yeah. With the door that closes in between and lots of
Christine Van Bloem:I mean, and it is soundproofed that, I mean, I just thought that was really, really cool because since you're a therapist, you're doing your sessions. So you want to have it all soundproof for privacy and all that good stuff.
Meredith McAdam:and I don't want my clients to hear other voices. So the soundproofing has been good. We're always working on it We're always trying to improve it, but it's pretty good right now.
Christine Van Bloem:That's so neat. And do you, you said when you put the, the wall down of the toy hauler, that it's kind of like you have a wall of windows.
Meredith McAdam:Yes So the whole back of it, which is the whole wall of my office is all glass. So it's sliding doors and So when the deck is down, that's all open. So right now there's Sun pouring in. It's wonderful
Christine Van Bloem:And where are you today?
Meredith McAdam:today. We're in Cape May, New Jersey It's wonderful.
Christine Van Bloem:going next?
Meredith McAdam:We're actually going back to New York. We have friends who live in Corning, so we spend a lot of time there. We our goal is to chase 70, so we don't do so well around the holidays. It's going to be cold in Corning, but after Christmas we'll be heading south.
Christine Van Bloem:Oh, that's excellent. And you said you, you do some sort of fairy. Are you going to Ocracoke or?
Meredith McAdam:actually we took the ferry from Lewis to Cape May this time. It was the Our camper's 9th ferry ride.
Christine Van Bloem:Yeah. I
Meredith McAdam:But January 1st, we're always on the ferry from the Outer Banks down into Ocracoke. And we spend the first two weeks of the year there. It's really quiet and peaceful. Both of us love it.
Christine Van Bloem:just can't. I mean, I seriously can't imagine. Does your husband is he still working as
Meredith McAdam:He is. He jokes that his number one job is keeping me connected so I can do my job. But he has his own computer job.
Christine Van Bloem:That's crazy. So you are in the, what do you call the, the trailer?
Meredith McAdam:wheel? Oh, the name? We call it Thor.
Christine Van Bloem:Yeah. Cause you gotta have names. I mean, even my bike, even my bike has a name. My, my bike is Bessie. So so you guys take Thor and you, are you mostly up and down the East Coast?
Meredith McAdam:A lot of the time we are, but we've gone out to like Colorado, Denver, Wyoming. We've been through South Dakota. So, over time, we'll get farther and farther west.
Christine Van Bloem:That's so cool. And why South Dakota?
Meredith McAdam:South,
Christine Van Bloem:what's the deal with being a resident of South Dakota?
Meredith McAdam:are one of the three states that are friendliest to people who live like us. So, it's South Dakota, Texas, and, jeepers, what is the third one? Totally going blank. Well, there are three states that are good for
Christine Van Bloem:Yeah.
Meredith McAdam:In Texas, you'd actually have to have a special driver's license to pull what we're pulling, which I actually think is smart, but we don't need that in South Dakota. There's no state income tax in South Dakota. They make it really friendly for how we do our mail too. So we get our mail sent through there and they get it sent to us whenever we We need it, we tell them where to package it and send it.
Christine Van Bloem:Oh my gosh. That's so cool. That's so cool. So if somebody wanted to do this, like, you know, I told you before my husband is absolutely not. He wants to put his roots down. I'm, I'm like, yeah, let's try it. If somebody went to do this, what, what would you tell them? If somebody came up and said, I am so in, how, how do I do it? What are some of the things you'd tell them to look out for? Oh,
Meredith McAdam:you have to be good at getting rid of your stuff and living with a lot less stuff. I found it really helpful to follow different YouTubers. Changing lanes was a big one. Yumi in the RV. I don't know that I'd be living like this if I hadn't studied them and learned a lot from them. What was working, what wasn't working, because we didn't know anybody who was living this way, so we didn't have anyone to talk to about it. So, I found that helpful. I would have liked to have had somebody to talk to about it. I talk to a lot of people who are interested in it, but they end up having a partner who either isn't interested or doesn't want to get rid of their stuff. So kind of a lot to think about that way.
Christine Van Bloem:I think I could get rid of all my stuff. I gotta be honest. I think as, you know, as the kids age out I, I think I'd be better at just tossing
Meredith McAdam:we really felt like we were prisoners of our home and our stuff. There was just so much stuff and we were always talking about clearing it out and we felt like we were spending our weekends. Fixing stuff in the house. So now it takes 10 minutes to clean the camper. And then we go off and do whatever we want to do. It's, it's so freeing.
Christine Van Bloem:But your husband is, I mean, that man has. All of the minutiae of running it, of like the electric and the, the pipe, not pipe, but the hose, the stinky snake, or whatever it was called. You know, he's got, he was showing me all of this stuff and I mean, plus his heart. I understood about 10 percent of it, but I was so impressed and it must really be helpful having someone who totally gets the electric, the internet, the, like how all of that stuff
Meredith McAdam:Yeah, it really does. I, I often say I feel like we're living in a science project because he loves doing all of that. This summer we put solar panels on the roof and he's excited about how much wattage we're getting each day. Yeah, he knows how to do a lot and it's a big deal because if anything goes wrong, he can fix so much of it. Because otherwise if we have to take it somewhere Where do we live? Where do we work? It's complicated. So it really helps that he can do so much.
Christine Van Bloem:Have you ever had to give in and say, I cannot handle it tonight and like go get a hotel room?
Meredith McAdam:No, no. We are just so comfortable. Yeah. It's funny. So people, so many people say, Oh, you can come stay with us, like park out front and stay in our house, but we're comfortable. We are really, really comfortable. So.
Christine Van Bloem:That I just, it's the neatest. It really is. All right. So let me ask you this. One of the things is you have to park it. Right. You have to, so if you're in Cape May, are you at a campground in Cape
Meredith McAdam:Yes, we're almost always in a campground and we tend to stay at KOAs just because they are, you know, Campground of America. There, there's a predictability to it which we need for working, but we're also branching out a little more. Like, I really like camping outside of cities and then going and touring cities. We spend the weekends exploring and walking all over the place, so I'm finding more and more campgrounds closer to cities and So we stay in them and then on weekends, sometimes we stay at Harvest Host. There are a lot of different versions of it, but it's a subscription program where you pay, it's like 80 a year, and then you have access to over a thousand sites that are, Breweries, wineries, museums, and farms where you can contact them and you can stay overnight for free where they are and all they ask is that you, you know, buy whatever they're selling. So that's been a lot of fun. We've been to some really neat places that way.
Christine Van Bloem:Oh, what's that called again?
Meredith McAdam:Harvest Host.
Christine Van Bloem:And I'll put a link to that in the show notes because that, I mean, you park outside a winery and you guys love good food and
Meredith McAdam:Yes. Yeah. And good beer. He loves the breweries we go to.
Christine Van Bloem:So not a real hardship having to buy something from where you're staying. Well, what does it typically cost? Like if you were, I know some people think, okay, I'm going to ditch everything. I'm going to buy the truck. And you guys have the truck with the four wheels on
Meredith McAdam:Right. Yeah. Dually.
Christine Van Bloem:how much does Thor weigh? Wow.
Meredith McAdam:Oh, that's a good question. At least he, he would know better, like 16, 000 pounds, I want to say.
Christine Van Bloem:So you really have to have something that's going to, yeah.
Meredith McAdam:It could be more. I'm bad with that kind of stuff.
Christine Van Bloem:Well, but it's heavy. It's like a big thing. So I know people think, okay, that's going to cut my expenses way down. How much do you have to pay when you go to a camp? Like what's the average or what's the range?
Meredith McAdam:It can be anywhere from like 30 a night to 150 a night or more. So, yeah, I, I don't think you save a lot of money living this way. You know, what we pay to stay at campgrounds can be similar to rent or a mortgage. You could do it cheaper, but we want to be comfortable.
Christine Van Bloem:Yeah. Yeah. I love that. All right. So if somebody is looking at this, you say, find someone else who's doing it. Is there a community at all?
Meredith McAdam:That's a good question, not that I'm aware of. And we know there are full timers out there, but we're not quite meeting as many as we had hoped. We've met some, and we've Like here in Cape May, we meet with the same people every year. We've met up with other people too that we've met along the way. And then our friends from New York come and visit wherever we are. The kids come to us too. We have all kinds of cool adventures, but I am not really aware of a community.
Christine Van Bloem:Okay. So it's kind of making your own. What, what do you love about it?
Meredith McAdam:I love the adventure. I love going places. I really am still not tired of the freedom of not taking care of a house. I love the small space and just the ease of it. So I do a lot of crafts. We do a lot of exercise and just spending our weekends exploring is so much more fun than what we were doing taking care of a house. It was good. The house was great while the kids were there, but once they were gone, we realized we were living in such a tiny part of the house that we didn't need that, all that space.
Christine Van Bloem:I think that is a feeling a lot of people who are empty nesters have. My husband and I joke that our house is perfect for two people. Of course, we raised two kids. There were four of us, right? And it felt perfect then too. But now we've kind of expanded to fit the space.
Meredith McAdam:Yeah. Yeah. It's funny how that happens.
Christine Van Bloem:Yeah. But you know, we have right now, I'm only kind of an empty nester because one came back. So I guess that's something you don't have to worry about too much.
Meredith McAdam:Yeah, and both our kids are really stable, which is good, because that would kill me if they did need that, and it would be hard to offer that at this point.
Christine Van Bloem:Yeah. Yeah. It was, we felt super lucky, but I just, you know, I just love your place so much. Now tell me this, when I was there, you had just gotten the air fryer installed or the toaster,
Meredith McAdam:Air Fryer. Air Fryer, which does toasting.
Christine Van Bloem:and it's big. It's not little, it's not like a teeny thing. Like you have full size stuff in that
Meredith McAdam:Yeah. Yeah.
Christine Van Bloem:What sort of dinners are you making?
Meredith McAdam:Well, it's funny. We were just talking about this because we live and work in the same space. We go out to dinner at least a couple of nights a week just to be able to get away. And it's also part of exploring the area, but we cook a lot of salmon, chicken. I do a lot of baking. I make cinnamon buns, all kinds of breads.
Christine Van Bloem:And you have a full size stove with an oven, four burners, oven. You have a full size fridge.
Meredith McAdam:Yeah.
Christine Van Bloem:And they're not the gigantic ones, but they're not the little teeny
Meredith McAdam:It's a residential fridge. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that was important to me, especially like doing breads and stuff. I need that space.
Christine Van Bloem:Yeah, you do. Yeah, you do. Oh, I love that. All right. So where are you? You're headed to New York next and you'll stay there for a while.
Meredith McAdam:for about a month and then we'll be we stay in College Park for about a month and then we'll head south We'll be going through Ocracoke for two weeks. It's so nice there. We just parked the truck. We walk to restaurants There's a nice wine bar there. It's just so peaceful and then we'll be going to Charleston, Savannah St. Augustine. We'll spend a week outside the Kennedy Space Center. Two weeks in clear water and then work our way back up through Georgia. Probably sometime in
Christine Van Bloem:you've got this mapped out.
Meredith McAdam:Oh yeah. I have reservations made for a year.
Christine Van Bloem:Oh, you do. So, so you could look at a calendar and tell me six months from now where you'll
Meredith McAdam:Right. Yeah.
Christine Van Bloem:Okay. So is that hard making the reservations?
Meredith McAdam:I don't think it's hard, but it is time consuming. So it's easier just to sit down and knock it out Have it, All planned out for us. Plus if there are changes, we know what we need to do. I don't know. I like doing it that way.
Christine Van Bloem:How far in advance can you book, typically can you book places?
Meredith McAdam:That's one of my challenges. If I move outside of KOA, sometimes they only do reservations, you know, six months in advance, so I might have to wait. Harvest Host, I think, is about six months in advance, too, so that slows me down a little bit, but
Christine Van Bloem:Have you stayed at a vineyard?
Meredith McAdam:Yes, yeah, we've stayed in a number of them,
Christine Van Bloem:A number of them. Any favorites?
Meredith McAdam:No, we've had a lot of bad wine, like grape juice, but it's always great experiences. You know, we always have a good time. It's fun. And I can't think of any favorites off the top of my head.
Christine Van Bloem:Are there like farm breweries that you're staying at? I
Meredith McAdam:Yeah, all different kinds. Yeah. I wish I could remember any of the names of them, but
Christine Van Bloem:put you on the spot. I put you on the spot. Well, I I just love the way that you're, you're living, but I also wanted to talk to you a little bit about your job cause you have a cool job. Tell, tell me what you do.
Meredith McAdam:So I'm a licensed clinical social worker and I'm a psychotherapist with my own private practice. And I I'm a sex therapist also. So I'm trained as a sex therapist cause I really like working with And I work with couples, and I work with people who are polyamorous monogamous, and I really like working with people in the LGBTQ community.
Christine Van Bloem:What drew you to this line of work?
Meredith McAdam:Psychotherapy is kind of cool because you can work in different areas and get training and whatever Whatever is needed and whatever I'm interested in. I also do a lot of work with like partners and people in relationship with Narcissists, so yeah when I had an office I used to run Support groups for partners of narcissists and I love doing that. It's just harder to do remotely
Christine Van Bloem:yeah. I would think, I mean, I don't think support groups would be, you're, you. Your setup is probably better for a one on one
Meredith McAdam:yeah,
Christine Van Bloem:sort of thing. Oh, do you miss doing the groups?
Meredith McAdam:do. I miss the groups. The rest of the time, I really like working this way. It's worked out well, and it's worked out with couples this way working virtually.
Christine Van Bloem:Well, I would, I mean, I'm looking at from the other side, from where you are. I, I think that little bit of distance by having you on a screen might be helpful because it can be a touchy subject.
Meredith McAdam:yeah, and people don't have to commute, and they're usually comfortable where they are. I think it works out really well.
Christine Van Bloem:Oh, that's neat. And what, Drew you to the LGBTQ community.
Meredith McAdam:I don't know exactly. I, so I'm licensed in Maryland and in South Dakota, and I think South Dakota really needs therapists who work in the LGBTQ community. There are
Christine Van Bloem:Now, does that mean, does that mean that you can only have clients from those
Meredith McAdam:Right. Yeah.
Christine Van Bloem:Oh, isn't that interesting? Oh, so that's neat that you did South Dakota. I think, I think you may be right that they would need a little extra help out there.
Meredith McAdam:Yeah. And I'm finding polyamorous clients there and people in the LGBTQ community. I'm really excited about that.
Christine Van Bloem:I love it. I mean, I think there's, I just think there's a need across the board. I'm a huge therapy fan. So what can I
Meredith McAdam:Yeah. I think we all can use it. We just go through periods in our lives where we feel stuck and it's great to get extra help.
Christine Van Bloem:Yeah. And do you do this full time?
Meredith McAdam:I do. Yeah.
Christine Van Bloem:You do. So, I mean, to me, just the changes you have made in the past couple of years and here you are still running your practice
Meredith McAdam:Yeah.
Christine Van Bloem:full time. It's, I mean, I just think you're the coolest. I don't know what else to say. It's, I think so many people want to have this touch of adventure in their lives, but it's so easy to get stuck, right? It's so easy to just do the status quo and just keep going because it's familiar and it's what you know. But your job exposes you to so much interesting stuff. And then changing how you're living exposes you to so much interesting stuff. 10 years ago. Could you have seen this?
Meredith McAdam:No. Sean could have. When we first got together, he talked about this. Someday we should live in an RV. And I was thinking, you're crazy. I would never do that. And now here we are. And I, I think with kids it wouldn't have worked. We laugh that if we had done this with our kids, they'd have run away. This would not have worked for us.
Christine Van Bloem:Yeah. I think, I think you're right. But as a two person, And you guys spend time apart, right? Because you're working full time.
Meredith McAdam:Right. Yeah. And our exercise takes us apart here and there. So, you know, we're out walking, running, biking. So that's good too. We're not doing
Christine Van Bloem:That is good
Meredith McAdam:Yeah.
Christine Van Bloem:Well, when, when I saw you your husband was getting ready to work an event and I said, Oh, are you going to go? And you were like, heck no, I'm walking downtown. I'm doing this, I'm doing that. And I, I was so impressed by
Meredith McAdam:Yeah. Yeah. We do our own thing. We just share the truck that pulls the camper. So sometimes like if I go and spend time with kids or friends, I'll rent a car, but most of the time we don't have any trouble with the one vehicle.
Christine Van Bloem:And how long have you been married?
Meredith McAdam:It will be, it's been 32 years.
Christine Van Bloem:That's awesome. That's so cool. All right. Well you don't have a, you don't have a blog or anything that you do, right?
Meredith McAdam:no.
Christine Van Bloem:Oh, you should. You totally should.
Meredith McAdam:could be a whole job by itself. You know, when you were talking about other people thinking about doing this, I think one thing that we're not taught as a culture is to ask ourselves, what do I want? especially women, are not taught to ask that. And I think that helps guide this kind of thing. What do I want? Like, I want more freedom. I want more flexibility. I want more adventure. So I think that can help guide a person in whatever they're looking for. Yeah.
Christine Van Bloem:and ate my way across Los Angeles. So I no camper but yeah, it's, I think you're right. And I think. That brings up such an interesting point because I think that women, you know, I'm like very rah rah women. That's the whole reason I have this silly little podcast. But I think that we never ask what we want. You know, and, and I'm married to a great guy, very like, very considerate. We're like a team. I really feel we're a team and I still will think about what he wants over what I want because he's making me absolutely not, but because it's just so ingrained, right? So right now I want a dog. And that is not happening. So we're going to have to figure that part out. But I think you're totally right. I think you're totally right. So if a resident of Maryland or South Dakota, I don't know if anybody's listened from South Dakota yet. I look at the list of where everybody's from. It's, it's incredible. It's so cool. But if they wanted to reach out to you, how would they find you?
Meredith McAdam:I'm happy if you put my email address in the yeah.
Christine Van Bloem:right. What's your, do you have a website?
Meredith McAdam:For work, yeah,
Christine Van Bloem:Yeah.
Meredith McAdam:org.
Christine Van Bloem:Awesome. Yeah. I love that. So I'm going to link to, I'm going to link to that. And if anybody's interested, you can reach out to me and I'll put you in touch with Meredith and that about her fifth wheel life. And I, I think it's so awesome. I really appreciate you taking the time from wherever you are, New Jersey. Kate Mae's so pretty
Meredith McAdam:it is. It's a great time of year to be here, too.
Christine Van Bloem:Is it? Are you close to the water right now?
Meredith McAdam:It's a little less than a mile to walk to it, so we can walk there and walk into town. It's beautiful.
Christine Van Bloem:So good. So good. All right. So I'll put Meredith's contact info in the show notes and Meredith, safe travels on your next adventure. And thank you so much for taking the time to be
Meredith McAdam:Yeah. Thank you. And thank you for having the podcast and everything that you're offering. It's wonderful.
Christine Van Bloem:Oh my gosh. I just have to get everybody to sign up for my menopause meal
Meredith McAdam:I love
Christine Van Bloem:I'll be in good shape. I, do you like it? You've been doing it,
Meredith McAdam:Yeah. I've just started with it, but I'm so impressed. Like you said, there just isn't enough information out there about menopause and healthcare and food. So I really appreciate it.
Christine Van Bloem:oh, thank you. I didn't even, I didn't even pay her to say that. I just got all goose bumpy. I'm so excited. So great. All right, everyone. So thank you so much. You can find Meredith's info in the show notes and as always, I will see you in the kitchen.