The Empty Nest Kitchen
Welcome to The Empty Nest Kitchen with Christine Van Bloem, where we're finding fun in the kitchen and navigating life after the kids have flown the coop. Join Christine around her kitchen table as we delve into insightful conversations with fellow empty nest women about navigating careers, side hustles, and the joys of food and cooking.
Whether you're embarking on a new chapter or seeking inspiration for your next culinary adventure, tune in for stories, tips, and laughter from women just like you.
The Empty Nest Kitchen
How to Start a Supper Club
Want to start a supper club? You'll want to know the tips and tricks to make your club a success! In this episode we'll talk about starting and thriving in a supper club, detailing how you can enhance their social lives through these well-organized gatherings.
From selecting the right mix of attendees, managing group dynamics, deciding event themes, coordinating responsibilities, and handling practical aspects like portions and drink options, this episode gives you all the info you need to start your own awesome supper club.
00:00 Introduction to Supper Clubs
00:54 The Birth of Our Supper Club
03:29 Key Considerations for Starting a Supper Club
07:23 Organizing and Hosting Supper Club Events
09:21 Different Approaches to Hosting a Supper Club
10:12 Setting Up Your Supper Club
11:13 Hostess Gifts: Yay or Nay?
12:05 Managing Food Portions and Leftovers
13:39 Alcohol Considerations for Your Supper Club
15:50 Final Thoughts and Invitations
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- Learn more about Menopause Meal Plans
- Sign up for my FREE 10 Essential Tools for the Empty Nest Kitchen
So let's talk supper, clubs. As empty-nesters we have. Bit more time on our hands than we did when the kids were young. And we were running from all the sporting events and Scouts and dance classes and all of that stuff. And it's important. I think to keep ourselves really moving and activated and going. And it's time to have a little more fun to write. So one of the ways that I've done, this is really fairly recent. And it's been with a group of my friends. So we were sitting at my friend Kerry's house one night, this summer, she kind of got on a tear about one of our friends, had never done crab picking. And if you were from Maryland, you know, and if you're not, let me tell you, like doing a crab feed is a very Maryland thing and I am a Marylander. By choice, not by birth and it took me a while to learn it and get into it. But I am. And basically blue crabs from Chesapeake bay. Yeah, by him by the half bushel or the bushel or the dozen or whatever. And they come in a box they're steamed, there's a whole big thing. If you know, you know, you use J O seasoning number two. Not old bay, but lots of folks around here use old bay. It's a whole Maryland thing. Hi, we were sitting at her house one night this summer, and it was a group of eight of us for the friends. One had COVID. So she couldn't come. And the spouses. And we bought a little something and we just. I don't know it was one of those perfect summer evenings. Right. We were out on her porch. We were picking away of storm rolled through. And when I say storm. I don't mean a drizzle. I mean, storm, and you should know, I am a total weather weenie. You should know this about me, especially with winter on the horizon. I am a total weather weenie, but we were sitting there and my friend Sharon says, oh, We should do a supper club. And I swear, I think it took three seconds. I'm not even joking. For all of us to go, oh my gosh, great ideas. Sarah's into, even though she couldn't make it right. Even though she was home sick. And does our supper club was born. Now. One of the things you need to know. These are a few of my friends from when I owned the kitchen studio cooking school. So I've known them for a very, very long time. And they're wonderful, wonderful people. But these are not women that shrink at making decisions. Let me tell you it was quick. It was decided So I remember supper club. We decided we wanted to keep things really pretty casual. And if you are thinking about doing a supper club, I met. I strongly recommend it, but there are a couple of things and there are a couple of pitfalls. But you want to look out for when you're doing your summer club. So let's talk about it. First thing. First and the most important thing. Isn't actually the food. It's the people. So I recommend that, you know, at least kind of know some of the people that are in your group. It's even better. If you can pull another group, right. If you can pull friends from different places, but making sure that everybody can get along in this really heated political climate in. Just the world that we live in today. You want to make sure that everybody can play nice and get along. Well, we're not doing this as a punishment. We're doing it because we want to get together and have fun and laugh and eat good food. So your number one is choosing the right. Mix of people. And if you're going to do this as a couples thing and you absolutely do not have to do this as a couple of things, If you're doing this as a couples thing, you want to make sure that the spouses can play nice as well. That's really important. Because you don't want your spouse to kind of drag heels to get involved in this? No, you want them to be excited and part of the equation. So your people are your first consideration. Your second. Is the number of people. You may want to start with eight people. Maybe even 10. But maybe consider keeping it just to that. As you get things rolling. For our group. We've got some busy lady. He's here. Some who go to Arizona for a couple of months every year. Some who were just traveling all the time. We've got folks working full time. We've got the gamut. So for us, we decided with five couples, 10 people, we would each host one time a year and give ourselves a little break during that heavy season that we've got, you know, when. Every bridal shower, every baby shower, every wedding, every, everything is tumbling down to give ourselves a little bit of wiggle room and flexibility. We always book the next day. Before we leave. The one recurrently in. So I hosted one here mid October, and we had already settled. On our December date for the next dinner. It's great because we get it on the schedule. The other thing is we've made the decision not to worry about if everyone can attend. Our goal when we set the date is to make sure everyone can attend, but we all know things pop up, right? Trips pop-up illness pops up, all sorts of things happen. So we've decided if one couple can't make it. We're just going to roll on. We're just going to roll on. We'll do a toast. And take it from there. So people. The crux, the whole thing for us. That's where we really want to set everything up before we get into all of the other fun stuff. After you've got your people determined. Well, then we have to talk food because after all. This is a supper club. Is it not? So. We have each person or each couple is hosting. One time a year. The host couple determines the main course and provides all of the beverages, alcoholic and non alcoholic. And they're also responsible for setting the theme. We started with crab feast. We moved into a gumbo night. Oh my gosh. It was delicious. The couple had way too much okra in their garden. Wrap that up with things I'd never thought I'd say, but they made the most delicious they're just consummate hosts. It was the most delicious meal. And we all brought things for mine. I just had this romantic vision and they made it happen. Where we sat under our maple tree. Want a gorgeous October night and it was, and we had a fire going on the patio. And I brought everything out. They brought side dishes and insert and appetizers. It was fantastic. It was so good. We just had the absolute best time. And our next meal, I think is a tallying. And this couple is a little further away. They're about 35 minutes away from all of us. Maybe even a touch more. But we've got it set and we are excited. We'll all kind of chime in with. Oh, I'll make dessert. Allow, make the appetizers. For me, I kind of sit back and let everybody determine what they want and then I'll fill in the holes because whatever everybody here is an accomplished cook. Everybody is an accomplished host. They're all so good at doing it. It's, it's a little intimidating. If I'm being totally honest. And you can decide how you want to do it. Another way to do a supper club. It's a bigger lift. And it's deciding that the host handles. Everything. I know that feels like a lot. Right. But you can do it so that the host is handling everything soup to nuts. Where they're handling the apps, the desert, the mains, and the side, all the beverages, everything. You can totally do that. You can totally do that because then you're doing a heavy lift one time a year. We're one time a year. You may choose to meet every month. I think for us. Every other month is working really beautifully. I think it's really nice. But you get to make the call, just make sure that you set it up with all of your folks that you're involving in your supper club. Okay. That is an important part of things. You got to have total buy-in from everyone. Personally, I like the way we're doing it, where everybody. Is bringing something every time you're really making one dish. And as the host, I'll tell you, truthfully, I sat back on my laurels baby, because I knew that someone was bringing appetizers. So I didn't, it was funny. It was hard for me not to make some apps, but I knew someone was bringing them. So in my mind, I don't want to step on her toes or their toes. It's all about making sure you communicate the parameters of your club. When you're setting it up. So you've got people. You've got your set up. This is going to sound really funny to you. Are you doing hostess gifts? I know. Right. So. This seems silly, but when you have folks who we've been around the block, right. We know what's what, and we always take a little something. Well, is that what we're doing? Are we doing hostess gifts? Is this going to be just how it rolls? It took me. A little while to figure out my group big into those students. So I feel a little guilty about the last one. Cause I was like, I'm bringing my crawfish, Ben Hayes. Is that not enough. No, it wasn't. I should have brought a hostess gift, but I'm on it. Now, let me tell you, and this doesn't have to be anything extravagant, trust me, but you should know in your group, if that's something you want to do. And I'll tell you if you wanted to do a supper club. And not do it with couples. But do it with a group of friends. Oh boy, you could have a lot of food. So you want to make sure that you're bringing an appropriate amount of food. If you are eat people. Bringing eight dishes. Each dish should be a lid should be like a regular size. And not an amped up portion. Okay, because you don't want to have tie-ins. T like way more food. Then you can have, but if you do make sure that your host has leftovers and also. Leftovers. That's part of this whole thing as well, because. Are you part of a group that wraps up their dish and takes it home? Are you part of the group that likes to leave it with the host? Are you part of a group that likes everybody to take a little bit and take it with you? Questions you don't think of for any. So I would say rely on your host to have containers. For everyone to take home. But talk to everyone at the beginning and just make sure that everyone is on the same page. Alright, so we've covered the group. We've covered the food. We've covered the frequency. Now less talk about the booze. Are you a group that wants to have alcohol available? My husband, John. Listen, when I met him, he was bartending in New York city. Was that a lifetime ago? Absolutely. Yes. It was like, he loves putting together. A bar for an event he really does. He also comes up typically with a signature cocktail. That's really his thing and lots of options to have for folks. Are you going to have alcohol at your event? Personal choice. Can you have it? Absolutely. Should you also have non-alcoholic options? So absolutely for us because John made I think the drink is called a stone fence. It's some kind of brown liquor and then it's got. A touch of maple syrup. And when I say a touch, I mean, a toe. And a little bit of apple cider in it. He went a little less sweet with it. He's not a big sweet drink guy. And he knew that. The fellows that were coming were also the same, but then we had the apple cider to have, and we had a few other bottles of wine. Some of this, some of that, it worked out beautifully. But you may want to consider because alcohol can get expensive. Again, if you're only hosting, once I look at, as the cost of doing business, right? You know, your people, you know, your friends, you know what you want to put out there. So it's absolutely up to you and your group, how you handle it. We don't really do a full bar because a full bar gets crazy. Now somebody wants a gin drink. Yeah, trust me. We can knock that out. No problem. But we kind of keep it to our theme. And we've seen that across the board with our events. So these are a few of the considerations. That you're going to want to have, if you decide to do a supper club, but really. It's time. It's time to try something new it's time. To get out there. We're not getting any younger now, are we. The kids are gone. Let's have some fun while we can, let's meet with our friends. Let's have great food. Let's have great laughs. Let's do it together and I invite you to try a supper club. Now, listen, you can always find me at Empty Nest Kitchen dot com. And if you have questions about doing a supper club, if there's something I haven't covered here, Well, gosh, just drop me an email. I would totally love that. I am always happy to answer your questions and to help you along as you go. And while you're trying something new and you're visiting Empty Nest Kitchen dot com. Go ahead and take a look. I've always got an ARP free class that I offer at 11:00 AM. Eastern time. The first Saturday of the month, they are a hoot. I totally loved them. Totally free. We have a great time. You can see inside my kitchen, I would love to have you join. You can find a link to that there. And of course, if you've been listening for a bit, you know, that I've launched menopause meal plans. With the idea of creating recipes and menus really suited for women in peri post and menopause to give the stuff we need in our diets, without having to think about it, I'm doing the heavy lift. So you can simplify your life a bit and you can find information there as well. So drop me a line, take a listen, share this with a friend and say, have you ever thought that maybe we could do a supper club? And have a great time with it. As always, I'll see you in the kitchen.