The Empty Nest Kitchen

Holistic Wellness Strategies with Dawn McGee

Christine Van Bloem Season 2 Episode 24

I'm talking with Dawn McGee, a wellness strategist and nutrition expert, covering a broad spectrum of health and wellness topics. Dawn shares her approach to nutrition, the significance of lifestyle transitions, and the holistic management of health through nutrition, movement, hydration, sleep, and stress. We'll also discuss culinary medicine and the importance of having a strong 'why' and the idea of 1% changes towards lasting health benefits. 

00:00 Introduction and Menopause Meal Plans
00:57 Guest Introduction: Dawn McGee
01:28 Dawn's Role as a Wellness Strategist
02:41 Working with Health Professionals
03:50 One-on-One Coaching Approach
06:43 Chris's Culinary Medicine Journey
11:32 Success Stories and Client Experiences
15:42 Business Expansion and Digital Programs
17:13 Starting with Small Changes
18:11 Setting Realistic Goals
18:50 Creating a Personalized Plan
20:39 The Importance of Consistency
21:48 Balancing Fun and Nutrition
24:19 Cooking and Family Dynamics
27:53 Virtual Coaching and Accessibility
29:14 Conclusion and Contact Information

Find Dawn on IG at @DMnutritions

Hey, it's Chris here. And whether you are feeling the Turkey, hominy, Chile vibe. Ooh. Or my barbecue rose salmon. With a really delicious fall harvest. Keenwah let me tell you my menopause meal plan gals. They are getting it all this week. Really delicious meals. Calculated nutritionally just for the Perry post and menopausal woman, you can find more info at Empty Nest Kitchen dot com. But now time for the episode.


Oh, happy day, Chris here, and I am just feeling the healthiest vibe in my life right now, and I want to bring on Dawn McGee. Hey, Dawn, how are you?


I'm good, Christine. It's so nice to be here. Thank you for having me.


Thank you so much, Dawn, where do you live?


I'm in the Boston area.


That's what I thought. I love this. We're going, we're going on the East Coast now. I love this so much. All right. We were talking just before we got started and you have the best title. Tell me what it is that you do.


Thank you. So I am a wellness strategist and nutrition evangelist and I like to say that Being an evangelist, it just means that I am so super passionate about helping you change your nutritional platform so that you can live a better life.




That means everything to me. And as far as the strategist goes, well, you know, I have a long history in corporate America where I've done so many different things, but really, I used to call myself a professional troubleshooter.




I could help you figure out how to fix whatever you want to fix. Um, people looked at me kind of weird. So I've like changed that around to being a strategist. That seems to resonate a little bit more with people.


I, I love that. Sue. So, dive into this a little bit for me. Tell me what that means if you're working with someone.


Sure. That's a great question. So I work with people in a lot of different capacities. Um, I will say they fall into two categories. One is I work with other health pros, fitness professionals, health coaches, gym owners, who, who feel like they're, they're ready to evolve their business and grow to the next level. Um, And they may be a little bit stuck. You know, they may just not know what to do next, right?


you're different, like, just because you own a gym and you're great with, you know, the weights and the aerobic capabilities and all of that, I mean nutrition's a whole different ball of wax there.


It is. And I will say that we can fall into the trap of thinking, because it worked for me, it will work for others. And that's not really how it works. We're all, we're all in this together. Unique individuals. And so, you really need a little bit more knowledge in order to be able to bring nutrition into an existing fitness business. And so, that's what I help people do


Oh, that's so cool. Do you work with people one on one as well? Cool.


I do, I do, and I'm a little off the beaten path in that regard as well. I work with people who have complex health challenges. I don't generally work with the people who are like, I'm going on vacation next month, can you help me lose 10 pounds? Um, because what I really want to do is help people make a lifestyle transition, something that they can take and run with for the rest of their lives. I like to say that I teach people how to fish. I don't give them a fish, if you've heard that saying before, right? And I think that that That makes a difference, because then what happens is that becomes who the new you is, if you'll forgive the grammar there, and then, and then that, that oozes into the rest of your life, whether it's your friends or your family, and they see that your skin is sparkling. They see that you're smiling more. They see that you have more energy to go do all the things, and they want some of that. And so then you get to become a little bit of an evangelist yourself, and you're leaving a legacy for the next generation that's completely different than it would have been otherwise.


Wow. That's a, that's a whole thing. So do you have a particular demographic that works with you?


Um, so it's a, it's a specialty in the complex health challenges. So think, for example, someone who has chronic kidney disease and a former eating disorder. Um, or someone who has, um, An autoimmune challenge and is recovering from cancer. I work with people who are so complex that a lot of other coaches are afraid to work with them. So that's how I get referred.


would you, so if somebody had previously had a heart attack, uh, is that enough or did they need to have that second condition?


That's enough. I will, I, I will happily work with a very healthy person as well who's just ready to make a lifestyle change. I just, you know, I find that a lot of other coaches are, are nervous about working with people who have multiple situations and how they interact and, and how to help to make the lifestyle and the mindset shifts that they need to make in order to, to turn the corner, turn things around.


Yeah, yeah. So, I, I find this all to be so interesting. I just finished a culinary medicine course that George Washington University developed and then It was taught at my local community college. My community college is the first to teach this program. And we were the second cohort of students, so it's, it's so brand new. And we had, they do it virtually, you, it may interest you. Uh, but, uh, It is fascinating and it's really piqued my interest here because, you know, I've been a cook for a really long time. I used to own a cooking school, I've taught online, I've taught in person, I've done all this stuff and as a heart attack survivor. Survivor and a menopausal woman who is totally awesome, but very sweaty. I am, you know, fascinated now by the role that food plays in trying to make you feel better. And you said something that got me all tingly. And it was when you said, you know, you're glowing. You've got the glowy skin then, and it's not, for me, like, losing weight, I could absolutely go there. Right? Who, you'd be hard pressed to find many women menopausal or post menopausal who can't stand to go there. But I'm really about feeling really good, and I'm really about, um, I love the glowy skin reference. I just, that's an inside out kind of thing, right?


It is. It means that you are genuinely healthy because I think we all know unhealthy skinny people, right? So skinny is not the goal. Healthy is the goal. And what does that mean to you? What does it mean when you say that I'm healthy? What does it mean when you say something is working for me? When I'm 85, I want to be able to get down on the floor, all the way onto the floor, to play with my potential Yet to be thought about grandkids, and I want to be able to get back up off the floor. I want to carry them around and go to the park all day. I want to dance with my son at his wedding should he decide to get married. I want all of these things that need to be enabled by my definition of health.


Can I just say, that is such a thing with our generation, right? We don't want to peg it on our kids that they're going to have to get married or have Because I do this dance with my own adult children all the time. It's like, you are never going to get any pressure from me. Do you feel that way?


Well, I, I do. I want him to, to run his own path and do what makes him happy. And, of course, he's only 20, so I certainly, I'm, I'm not ready for grandkids yet. But, anyway, that's a, a whole different story. It is definitely something about our generation.


Well, and I want you guys to know, you can't see this, but Dawn actually has the most gorgeous skin. I swear to God, she's glowy from the inside out.


thank you. I, I will tell you, I, I go to the doctors and they, they check, they, they check your birth date and half the time they're like, no, you're lying. I'm like, no, no, no, no, I really indeed am 57, it is true, um, and so, and that matters, right? And so, I look at some of my friends who may not have made choices, and I don't, I haven't deprived myself of anything. I eat what I want, but I don't eat all of it all the time, because I don't feel good when I do that, and that matters,




I, I will, I want to place a little seed for you, my friend, that the food you eat has an impact on your hormonal balance. So, for all of the perimenopausal and postmenopausal women out there who may not have the hormone balance that they want, some of that can be re engineered. By How You Eat.


that is actually something I'm working on right now because I, I can tell you because I started really paying attention, the foods that make me feel good and the foods that make me sweat. So, and I'm not talking, you know, hot peppers, but it's, it's really interesting. Like anything deep fried, fried chicken or anything, forget about it. Forget about a lot of sugar, if I have a lot of sugar, and I love sugar. But it's so, it's so interesting, the role that it all plays. Now, I have a question for you. Tell me what one of your success stories looks like.


I have fun favorite success stories from both halves of my business. I, and I will share with you. Um, I did mention for example, one of, um, the conditions that, that one of my clients had, chronic kidney disease, and recovering from an eating disorder, and While your stereotypical woman will come and say, I want to lose weight. She said, I'm, I'm underweight. I need help gaining weight. And we shifted around a lot of how she thought about food, right? And I'm not a psychologist. She was working with other people. So the whole eating disorder piece is not part of my business, but the how do you put food on your plate in a way that it now serves your body better? That's, that's what I do. And so we worked through some of the mindset challenges about food and portion sizes and, and eating throughout the day, and how to put a better plate together that served her body. When you're doing that, that also will help your Your kidneys, right? Chronic kidney disease is still chronic, but you can balance your electrolytes a little bit better. You can balance your hydration a little bit better. You can work on your stress a little bit better. You can work on your sleep a little bit better. All of these things, it's not just food. Right, it's all of the things that make us a person, because we're not just a plate of food or a pair of running shoes, we're everything, and it all influences us.


Okay. So, and do you delve in at all? Like I've, I've just started, you know, I have so little knowledge. I have just enough to make me super annoying. So have you, I know that potassium and phosphorus play a big deal in, uh, kids, a diet for someone with kidney disease. Is that something that you play around with too, as you're working on their plate


So, if they have medical results, we'll take a look at those and see where they are. It's outside the scope of my practice to be so prescriptive with regard to to, um, a specific level and things we can do. She says, my doctor has said I really need to increase my potassium. Well, we'll look at potassium rich foods that she can add to her regular routine. Um, her diet, by the way, diet is a noun, not a verb. It's just what we eat. It's not something we do. And, and those are the kinds of things that I would do.


Yeah, absolutely. I mean, scope of practice is so important. That's huge. Huge, huge. That's exactly what I'm talking about. A doctor says, here you go. And you're like, alright, here we go. Let's look at that. I love that.


On the other hand, I have another client whose doctor said to him, have you considered a plant based diet? And one of his challenges was rheumatoid arthritis, which is an inflammation based challenge. And I said, within the scope of my practice, is that because your doctor wants you to reduce your inflammation, or is there another reason? And he said, it's because of reducing my inflammation. I said, well, we can address that in other ways with your food, if you and your doctor agree. So, for example, we reduce the gluten in the dairy. which are inflammatory foods, and the sugar. When you said you're, you're a sugar fan, he's a sugar fan. You know, as he was recovering, his doctors told him to consider ice cream a liquid and go have as much as you want. That's fabulous during the acute care and recovery phase of your life. May not serve you well for the rest of your life. So how about if we talk about that a little bit? So, so those are kinds of things. And then another success story from the business side of my business is working with a really wonderful woman who had a thriving fitness practice and wanted to expand. And she works with people all over the world. She's mostly online. And we coached her through adding. program into her business in a way that was synergistic and woven. Seamlessly, and she's running groups and she's working with clients and because it's a turnkey digital program, it's not something that she had to create or work from scratch. She does need to be certified in it, but, um, as compare that to designing something from scratch,


Oh my gosh.


a completely different kind of Scope of magnitude.


And is that a program you have developed?


it's not. Interestingly enough, I know what it takes to develop a program from scratch because I did. It took me two years.


Oh my gosh.


But I've been working with the PFC3 folks for over a decade as well, and when they brought theirs into the digital world, it was just amazing, the technology, and they've got a much bigger team than I do. So, why wouldn't I partner with them to offer the same philosophy that I teach and have someone else manage the technology?


Heck yeah.


It's just smart business,


Technology, man. I had mic problems just getting this started today.


right? So we know that if we can take one thing off our plate, we don't have to do everything. It's just like in the nutrition world, right? When you're trying to make changes, you don't have to do everything all at once. You do a little bit now, and then you build on that, and you build on that, and you build on that, and all of a sudden, you're running, and who knew?


Yeah. I know. I want those knees. I want those knees. Having watched the Olympics all summer. And all of those young springy knees. And then I just watched something from the Paralympics with a fellow doing the high jump who had one leg. Not one leg and then had a, a bleed or something on the other leg. Just truly one leg and clearing these. It was incredible. And I'm like, okay, I gotta get down on the floor. Get back up again.


they're amazing, but we all have different goals. We have to have the goals that suit us, right? I am not An Olympian, as far as physical prowess or skills goes in any way, shape, or form. Love to watch them. Love to do what I can. I love to play pickleball. I love to go for walks. I love to do uh, other things. I strength train. Super important for women who are getting older. Build that bone density back up, but I'm not running, I'm not doing the high jump. I'm not doing the broad jump. I'm not doing the 50 yard dash or whatever, 100 yard dash.


I hear ya. I hear ya. So, what are some components of a plan when you are working with someone? If you're working with someone individually, I come in to you. How, how does the process work?


Well, the first thing we talked about is why you want to make changes, because if you don't have a strong reason why, And we're talking strong reason why we're not talking about lose 10 pounds before a vacation, then you're, you're gonna quit when it gets hard because it will get hard. There will be times where it will be easier to have the chocolate cake and ice cream for dessert than what you had planned. Trust me, I know. And you have to keep going. It's about consistency over time. So we talk about why you want to do it, where you are right now, what changes you're willing and able to make. And we talk about these six spinning plates. If you, if you can envision keeping six plates spinning in the air, it's your nutrition, it's your movement, it's your hydration, it's your sleep, it's your stress, and it's any supplements or medications that you're taking. Cause ladies, some of it's not your fault, right? Some of it. Is a result of medications that you're taking and some of it could just be those those supplements too because we we sort of dismiss them We like to the magical benefits, but we don't understand that they are they have Interactions with other things too and they may not always be positive So those are those are the whole picture person that we look at and we pick an area to work on We sort of chip away at it, call it one, the one percent at a time methodology. We just do a little bit at a time. We build from there.


Oh, I love that. I think that's really good. Cause you know, I am a woman of extremes. So I, um, you know, I shall eat nothing but carrots with one avocado every other day. And you know, bologna and I, I make it about two hours and then I go, that was stupidest thing ever. Vanilla latte for me. Right. So I love the little at a time thing. I think that's important. I don't think you can go from. You know, pulling through the drive thru every day to eating whole grains, you know, by flipping a switch.


You can't because motivation is not a strategy. You, you


Oh, oh, hold on. That, that, I mean, that's good. That's a big one. Motivation is not a strategy.


It will dissipate. It'll get you out of the starting gate. It will not get you to the finish line. And, and let me say there is no finish line. Not while we're all still alive. This is a lifetime journey of wanting to be as healthy as possible.


Yeah. What do you, so you said you play pickleball and you go for walks. What else do you do for fun?


Well, I love to socialize with my friends, travel. We're heading to Sicily in October for a cooking retreat,




So fun. Love to eat in Italy. I, uh, was just in Foxwood seeing a comedian this past weekend, which was fun.




Um, I am a huge fan of high quality wines, so you'll catch me at a winery if there's one in the neighborhood,


What's your go to wine?


Uh, you know, I have a lot of different ones that I like. I have changed over the past years to work with the Scout Cellar brand because they don't have the same level of residual sugar. They're all organic and biodynamically farmed as a general premise, and that makes a huge difference. So, people who are like, I can't even have a glass of red wine because it gives me a hangover. Those are the additives, more so than the wine, most of the time. And this makes a difference. And that's, so that's, everybody ages. So, as I get older, I notice a difference in the quality of the things that I put into my body.


sure, sure, sure. I'm, I'm a Sancerre girl. I love a Sancerre, but a Montepulciano,




if you're sitting in Italy, tastes even more delicious.


It does, it's because when they send them to the U. S., they have to add extra things to it, which they do not in Italy, so it truly makes a difference. I love a lovely Sancerre, I love a Pinot Noir, and, and I love a good cab, it really depends upon what I'm eating.


I also think it's the time of year. Like, I have my different wines for different times of year, right? So lighter, crisper when it's hot out, and then I can get a little more full bodied when it starts to cool down.


absolutely, a nice red Zinfandel in the fall, in the summertime, a nice rosé, all about that,


See, you are about the wines! I love it!


Well, we have the experience. We're not, we're not just there to eat cardboard if it's good fuel. We're there to have the fun and the fuel.


So, do you cook much since you're going on this cooking retreat?


So it's interesting. I don't consider myself a cook. I love to eat. I don't love the time it takes to put the food together. I will plan and I will assemble. I don't do any high end cooking unless we're having people over.


That's, I mean, that's super normal and you mentioned that you have a son. Do you just have one child or do you have others?


Just one. He's, he's a sophomore, college now, and, and he enjoys cooking. He, he stopped eating my cooking a long time ago and said he was going to make what suited him, and, and actually he came to Italy with me last summer to do a cooking retreat, so we


Oh my gosh. Oh, that is fun. But I, I have found that a lot of empty nesters, you know, just kind of say, that's it. I'm out. No more cooking. I don't have to do it. I was talking to someone earlier today that said, Uh, her son, who was her youngest, she just took him to school and she's like, it's incredible what I cook now. I make what I want to make. I do. And we make it sound like our kids are monsters and they're totally not. They're wonderful. But it is, you know, you're trying to make sure you're getting stuff into them and keep them happy and all that. And then when they go. It's a whole new ball game.


Well, it, it is to some degree, I will say, That's in the European model of family cooking. The family cooks and the kids eat or they don't eat, right? They eat, they grow up eating what everybody else eats and so they have a different diversity. Diversity, variety, it's important for the health of your microbiome as well. Bring it all right back to nutrition. So we think it's just fun to have different food. It satisfies our taste buds. It also makes our gut really happy.


Oh, that's so good. I love a happy gun.


Don't we all? That matters. That matters.


It does matter. It matters a lot. Well, I think the thing like, well, you know, when I was cooking for my kids, it wasn't, I've never been a make a special meal. Sort of person, but I was so much more focused on the, I just feel like the pressure has come off because my husband and I are much more flexible. There was a time, I'm not proud of it, but there was a time last winter when I said I am making mashed potatoes for dinner. That is all I am making for dinner. If you want anything else, you can figure it out, but I will make you really great mashed potatoes. And we sat there and we both had a bowl of mashed potatoes, and this is the exception for sure. I'm sure your nutrition, nutrition loving heart is like, no!


Well, it's a little high in carbs and fat without a lot of protein in it. Plants, of course, do have protein, but, um, but it's not about being perfect all the time. It's about being consistent. 80 percent of the time, right? It's about how do you feel and the results that you want and what kind of effort do you put in in order to get those results.


I love that. I love that so much. All right, so if somebody is like, Don McGee, I am into this, you have piqued my interest as well. And if somebody's interested in working with you, you do everything virtually, right?


I do. I work with people all over the world.


Is that not The coolest thing. Were you like that before COVID hit?


I was. You, you probably got that sense from me. I've been doing virtual work for a dozen years because in the Boston area, There's traffic. It's not New York or San Francisco, don't get me wrong, but there is traffic. And so it's a hard enough hurdle to get someone to the point where they're ready, willing, and able to work on themselves. If you throw in a commute on top of that, it's just not happening.


Nightmare. Nightmare. No, I love, I just think it's so wonderful. You know, the way the world has expanded.




I think it's fantastic. So if somebody wants to find you, where are they gonna find you?


Well, they can find me on the interwebs, as they say, dawnmcgee. guru. It's dot G U R U. Um, because that was what was available, or you can find me on Facebook or Instagram, DM Nutrition Coach, and I'm, I'm there. Reach out if you have questions. I'm always happy to chat. I love, as you can tell, love to talk about all of this stuff. So, you know. Reach out. Happy to chat.


That's awesome, and I am 100 percent going to put it in the show notes, so you all will be able to do just a, a quick little point and click, and you will be able to get to Dawn and check out all of the cool programs that she's offering and, uh, ask her questions and all that good stuff. Dawn, I'm so grateful for all of your time.


Thank you so much for having me. This was such a fun conversation.


Oh my gosh, thank you. I, I learned a little something. I really appreciate it.


Very cool.


All right everyone, so you've got it. Check the show notes. You'll be able to get Dawn's information. Uh, I cannot wait to see you. Take a look for upcoming classes, EmptyNestKitchen. com. And as always, I'll see you in the kitchen.